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Centaurus High School

10300 South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 | 720.561.7500
Original Construction Date | 1973



Phase 1

*Final budget will be determined during the design phase.
View Project Expenditures


The project budget includes $2.86M for renovations to create learning environments that support career & technical education. 



PROJECT MANAGER: Tom Blahak & Christoph Konradi
ARCHITECT: Hord Coplan Mach
CONTRACTOR: Adolfson & Peterson


Centaurus HS building




CTE pathways coming to life through Bond projects

Plans for how to bring the vision for new and expanding CTE pathways to life are taking shape in the designs for the first round of Bond-funded renovation projects at middle and high schools in Broomfield and Lafayette. The Critical Needs Plan that was approved for funding by voters in 2022 included money specifically identified to be used for renovations to support career and technical education at BVSD secondary schools.

Accelerate logo with image of Centaurus

Centaurus High School CTE rendering

The renovations aim to create spaces where students can learn about different potential career interests and make progress on a career pathway, learning specific skills and earning certifications along the way. 

“School design advisory teams have been excited to work with architects and think about how to give more students the opportunity to benefit from CTE education,” BVSD Executive Director o f Bond Planning and Construction Kris Stoppenhagen explained. 

According to Career and Technical Education director and Boulder TEC principal, Dr. Arlie Huffman, middle level CTE courses are designed to provide students with opportunities to explore a variety of areas. At the high school level, CTE experiences will continue to let students explore their areas of interest, while also enabling them to progress much further along their path before graduation, Huffman further explained in a recent update to the Board.

According to Career and Technical Education director and Boulder TEC principal, Dr. Arlie Huffman, middle level CTE courses are designed to provide students with opportunities to explore a variety of areas. At the high school level, CTE experiences will continue to let students explore their areas of interest, while also enabling them to progress much further along their path before graduation, Huffman further explained in a recent update to the Board.

Engineering, IT, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) are the selected pathways for the Lafayette schools. Centaurus has had an engineering program for almost two decades, and renovations planned for the school will make it so that more students can participate in the award-winning program. Specific features will include a larger maker space for prototyping and an outdoor learning space. In addition, some classrooms will be rearranged to move ILC rooms next to the Engineering wing, and incorporate an office for Art to make it easier to collaborate between the programs. 

At the middle school level, the goal for CTE programming is to expose students to a variety of career paths so they can explore and find what interests them. Over the course of their middle school tenure, students will participate in CTE programming that rotates six career clusters/twelve industries through all six semesters of middle school. To further support this exploration of interests and build excitement for continuing on specific career pathways, each middle school will have an information center—the iCommons—that shows what CTE looks like at high schools across the district.

At Angevine Middle School the CTE renovations will upgrade existing spaces. The Life Studies room will be updated with new furniture and appliances. Two other  adjoining classrooms will be upgraded with lighting, furniture, and equipment to create a space for the STEAM (STEM + Art) learning that will introduce students to engineering design and analytical thinking. Students whose interest is sparked can continue their journey of discovery at Centaurus and transition into the expanded Engineering pathway.

Design has been completed for these phase 1 projects and construction will begin next spring/summer. All middle and high schools in the district will receive renovations aimed to expand CTE opportunities through the course of the Bond program. 

For more information about CTE and the Bond program, check out the Oct. 24 update to the Board.

Building for Student Success & CTE Update to Board

Oct. 24, 2023


Bond investment leads to cutting-edge career acceleration at BVSD

Career and Technical Education (CTE), now known as ‘Accelerate’ in the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD), is a core component of BVSD’s secondary curriculum and the BVSD Grad Plus framework, which expands graduates' skill sets by providing students with learning opportunities and credentials that offer a head start on a career, postsecondary education, or both.

BVSD’s Accelerate programming and courses, are a pillar of the district’s Grad Plus framework, and are designed to empower students through relevant, rigorous academic and technical skills for career and college readiness. Accelerate courses are offered at both middle and high schools as well as at BVSD’s Technical Education Center, Boulder TEC.

Read more about expansion of CTE programming here